“You will find me in the sound”, music therapy in Bethlehem
(from Christian Media Center)
The third edition of Music Therapy Intensive Workshop for therapists and educators, organized by the Association Pro Terra Sancta, was held during this summer.
Twelve boys from Jericho, Bethlehem and Jerusalem attended the third edition of the 10 day intensive course “You will find me in the sound”, that was organized by the Association Pro Terra Sancta in collaboration with the Spee Institute, thanks to the contribution of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan and the (CEI), the Italian Bishop Conference.
“I attended this course after hearing about it on social networks” says one of the participants, “and by some of my colleagues who attended last year. They said the course is very useful to learn how to deal with your body, with the environment and with students, as well as with patients.”
Therapists and educators, students and professionals. The Course participants come from different backgrounds, age and work environments. The course alternated between practical tools, dances and lectures, grasping the power of a universal language like that of music.
“We do not sing to become singers but to learn how to listen to each other and to work together“, says professor Dario Benatti who held the course.
In a socio-economic environment that currently has no hope, a high quality educational intervention like this course is a great gift. It is a major help for those who deal with a population that is exasperated, trying to intervene effectively to contribute to a more peaceful life of their patients.