More than 15 million Syrians who are displaced or refugees urgently need your help
Syria is a blessed land for Christianity: Paul’s conversion took place in Damascus. But since the beginning of the civil war, four years ago, the situation has become increasingly tragic: in addition to the more than 190,000 civilian casualties, the current crisis relates to the internally displaced within the country and the refugees in neighboring countries, such as Lebanon. We are talking about 40 percent of the Syrian population who are living in conditions of extreme hardship. Many Syrian refugees are of the Christian faith, fleeing the persecutions of the Islamic State.
The Syrians are at the limits of their resistance because they lack everything: water, food, electricity, winter clothing. What can be found on the local market has reached insane prices, which have increased from 100% to 300% depending on the commodity and the region. One example: in Aleppo a bottle of drinking water or a pound of flour currently costs more than 4 euros.
In this context, the Franciscan friars of the Custody of the Holy Land are continuing to provide help. Present in various parts of the country for eight centuries, at the very beginning of the conflict the friars opened their monasteries and parishes to refugees, organizing four reception centers. These provide easy-to-prepare foods – rice, flour, vegetables, chickpea flour, powdered milk, canned meat; they also seek to find solutions for accommodation and, where possible, rebuild homes; and distribute clothing, blankets, medicines, diapers, bottles of gas and soap.
Help us to support the incredible work of these friars, who continue to remain alongside Syrian families, children, elderly and the ill. Here is how we use your donations:
- with 30 euros: we buy food and medical care for refugee children cared for in pre-schools.
- with 50 euros: we are able to ensure emergency shelter for young children and the elderly with serious illnesses.
- with 100 euros: we are able to ensure accommodation for a family displaced by the bombardments.
- with 250 euros: we are able to supply warm blankets at a reception center.
Donate now to support the Syrian people.
Your assistance is crucial. The Franciscan friars thank you and will remember you in their prayers.