A new technological course of studies at the Terra Sancta School in Bethlehem
Daniel, an 18-year-old boy from Bethlehem, has had problems with school in the past: he did not want to study anymore. But when he was told about the new technological course that was about to open in his school, he immediately registered. Daniel is one of the twelve boys attending the new technological course at the Terra Sancta School in Bethlehem.
“In the last three years – explains Fr. Marwan, director of the school – following the demands of the job market, we decided to open two new courses of study alongside the humanistic and scientific ones. So we opened a hotel course that especially here in Bethlehem, thanks to pilgrimages, can bring a lot of work. Then, given that technology is the science of today, to be a state-of-the-art school, we have also set up a technology branch“.
“The Terra Sancta school is open to everyone – explains the director -, but the priority goes to the poor, orphans and children with serious family problems
(violence, alcoholism), because our mission is to serve the poorest in the society . Since there is no social insurance, if the Church does not think about it who would? “. The Franciscan institution, despite having 1,170 students, guarantees an excellent level of training, together with an attention for each individual student both at pedagogical, educational and family level. Thanks to the distance support project through donations, it is possible to cover students’ expenses and reduce school fees. Our attention is mainly directed to the very few Christian students.
The technological laboratory has 20 stations and was set up thanks to the help of ATS pro Terra Sancta and the Mediolanum ONLUS Foundation who provided the expensive equipment (computers, electronic components, robots).
“Here – explains prof. Sabella – in the two modules of electronics and computers, the kids, each in their own station, learn how to compose and disassemble, repair the components of the equipment, how to create applications, how to connect a software to a hardware. The best thing is that all these equipment in the classroom (PC, electric cabin, etc.) were mounted by the boys, only thanks to their passion “.
Starting school students in the world of work, supporting young people in Bethlehem with professional education, is not just a benefit for a new generation, but it can be a rebirth for the entire community of the city of Bethlehem. A winning project to support.