Meet the family of Mariam, a child from Bethlehem
“The family – The world’s generating force”, Pope Francis said. A phrase that would seem to become flesh every day in Bethlehem, the place in which the Holy Family was formed.
For this reason we dedicate our Christmas campaign to the poorest families in Bethlehem.
Among the school students with whom we are acquainted is Mariam, who tells us her story and that of her parents: an ordinary story set in a difficult environment, where having a job and being able to support oneself is almost a luxury.
Mariam is eight years old. She is a very quiet girl, the teachers have nothing bad to say about her. She has had to work particularly hard this year since for the first time she has to undergo exams at the end of the year, but the results so far have been more than satisfactory.
Her favourite subject is English, while she has had some problems with mathematics. She has a younger sister who attends the Franciscan school, of whom she is very protective.
Her father tries to support his family with what little he earns as an electrician. Most of the time, however, the only payment he receives for his work is a “May the Lord bless you”. Or he is offered a coffee and something to eat. Clearly this is not sufficient to allow him to pay the bills and support his two daughters.
Supporting the young Mariam and her family is not only a sign of immediate hope; it also means giving a chance to a future woman to study and grow up in a healthy and peaceful way. A young person who one day will then be able to get a job and be in a position to provide for her own family.
- With 60 euros: provide winter clothing for Mariam and her little sister;
- With 100 euros: ensure a hot meal for Mariam and her sister, for one month;
- With 360 euros: cover Mariam’s school fees and health insurance for a year;
Supporting her family or a family like hers means to support a hope that can be a generating force for the world.