A work we carry on with you and thanks to you. The new ATS pro Terra Sancta website is online
Now that we have reached the end of our first decade of activities, we can say it: in the last eleven years we have grown a lot, even beyond our expectations. Our activities and projects reach thousands of people in need of everything, and thanks to your help we have become a well-rooted presence in that land that is dear to all humanity. At the same time, we also grew in awareness of who we are and where we want to go. For this reason, on the occasion of the beginning of a new year, with great pleasure we inform you of the publication of the new website www.proterrasancta.org renewed in graphics and appearance, with contents updated based on the evolution of the association in recent years .
The need for restyling comes on the one hand from the need to simplify the structure in order to make it easier to use, on the other it wants to involve our friends and supporters more and more by communicating in a better way our mission: “To foster bonds between the Holy Land and the world”.
This is the reason why on the homepage, in addition to the news section, we have chosen to bring back the facebook storyboard where we take you with us to that magnificent land!
Of particular importance is the section “projects” which wants to present comprehensively the range of activities that we carry out, divided into the three main areas of intervention of Conservation and Development, Education and Assistance and Emergency. The individual project pages have also been renewed in order to be clearer and easier to share.
The new site was created thanks to the contribution of the Mediolanum Foundation which we thank from the bottom of our heart for their precious support.
This is an important starting point for us and we hope to be even better at telling you and involving you in this mission of support for the Holy Places, which we carry on with you and thanks to you, for the whole world.